Questionnaire ''VOC'' - Views of Context
This questionnaire investigates the ways that people see the place where they live and how their understandings of where they live are associated with more general ways of thinking and feeling.

The questionnaire is part of an international study aimed at better understanding people’s needs, sensibilities and attitudes. This information will be used to improve the design of social programs and policies and will enable policies to be more consistent with the cultural specificity of countries.

The results of this study are expected to enable more efficient, effective, and culturally sensible participant-centred programs in several fields (e.g. education, health promotion, social cohesion, mobility, safety, the labour market).

Your collaboration is extremely important for helping us to complete this ambitious goal. The information you provide will enable better understandings of people where you live and will allow the study to inform local policymaking decisions.

How to complete the questionnaire

The questionnaire will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
There are no right or wrong answers; in fact, several options might seem to fit your point of view.
When answering questions, just give the first answer that comes to mind. In some cases, there may be no alternative that fits your point of view exactly.
In such cases, pick the answer that seems to fit best and do not skip the question.
When answering the questionnaire, it is best to try to proceed quickly.

In some cases, there may be no alternative that fits your point of view exactly. In such cases, we invite you to "force" yourself, and give your answer anyway.

The questionnaire is anonymous. Your responses will not be made public; they will be taken into account together with those of all the other respondents. When you have finished the questionnaire, if you want you can leave your e-mail address, and we send you a report of the study once it is produced.

If you have questions about the questionnaire, you can contact:

By clicking on the button "Next" you confirm that you have read the information above, that you are over 18 years of age and voluntarily agree to participate in the survey.

Questionnaire ''VOC'' - Views of Context